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Quizzes/Tests- 20% 

Participation/Behavior/Effort - 80%

Grades are given daily based off of effort and behavior that day. 

Points will be taken off for bad behavior of any type, not dressing out, not particpating, etc.. If you have questions why please email me with any questions. 

Zeroes are given for absences or not participating.

Absences can be made up by writing a paper about a sporting event, health in sports, eating habits for athletes, training techniques, etc...
  • Read an article from a magazine, website, paper, etc. on a sporting event/training/health/fitness/etc..  and summarize, defend, or give your opinion in one page.
  • Must be a full page in length. Turned in with Name, title, and period. The date should be the day they missed.
  • Papers will be graded and returned, check and make sure your grade-book is correct before you throw away any papers.

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